Best Email Marketing- AWeber

AWeber Communications is a service provider of email marketing software.

As of April 2011, the company claims to serve over 100,000 customers globally. Primary AWeber features include email newsletters, autoresponders, and converting RSS to email.

Why Do I Use Newsletters?

This are some basic points which I Love of Newsletters are:-

  1. Increased Readership
  2. Promotion of Posts
  3. Build Community
  4. Improve Your Blog
  5. Drive Sales
  6. Email is familiar and Easy to Use
  7. Can be Easily Embedded (FB Page Too)

Send out photography newsletters and blog comes alive with extra visitors, many more comments than normal, participation in polls, ad performance, affiliate sales and more.

Why AWeber?

I Heart AWeber.comAWeber is an internet email marketing software that is very popular among digital marketers who are engaged in serious marketing. This software has evolved to become a very useful tool that helps both the newbies and the pros alike in email marketing. It comes with convenient features that assist everyone who want to earn money from email marketing and AWeber is often the email marketing platform of choice.
Whenever email marketing software is concerned, AWeber has been a dominant tool for quite a long time.

Features that People Enjoy?

Unlimited lists in the one account – Some providers charge per list. But you can have Unlimited Lists.

Unlimited emails – Some services charge per email that you send. You can send as many as you want each month to as many lists as you want.

Text and HTML Emails – If you like to send HTML emails to your photography readers as they are a very visual bunch. AWeber just added 27 new templates to the ones they already had. As someone who is not very design capable these save a lot of time and People have got a lot of great feedback from readers. For those readers who can't get HTML emails there is the option to send a text version too.

Deliverability – This is a big thing. E-mails with AWeber had between 0.1 and 2.6% of emails undelivered. This means literally thousands of readers are getting emails other than other services can give you 20-30% undelivered and a very high numbers of high bounced emails and being labeled as spam.

Autoresponders – Put together a sequence of emails that you want to send readers so that when they sign up for a mini course they get them sent out in an order and timing that you choose. For example If on your Video Tutorial site and if you put together a 10 part free mini-course on the basics of Video course, then that will get sent out to readers once a week over 10 weeks. It’s a great way to connect people into your course and add value for readers.

Blog Newsletters – It allows you to turn your RSS feed into a newsletter. While you can do this with Feedburner (the service I currently use) AWeber gives a lot more control – It allows you to send these updates not only daily but weekly, monthly etc and to have more control over how they look.

Customer Service – I was impressed with the support that they offered. They helps transfer previous lists across (it was a bit of a process and they do have to have some safeguards in place to stop Spammers using their system – but we got there) and can answered every question I've had of them – usually within hours. They have a live customer support instant messaging service which operates most hours which is very helpful.

Free Trial– There are a lot more features that I've not mentioned (and to be honest have not even discovered or tested yet) – but you can test them all for yourself. AWeber offers a free month long trial so you can play with them all to your heart’s content. This is how I got a feel for AWeber before signing up.

Send Your First Email Newsletter Today - AWeber Communications

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