Happy Birthday Mark And 20 Unknown Facts About Mark Zuckerberg!

Today that is 14/5/13 is a very Special Day in Life of Social Network because it is Birthday of Mark Zuckerberg the creator of Facebook. (I am really  a fan of Mark.)
"Wish you many many happy returns of the Mark. May this day be the beginning of another beautiful year for you. May there be pleasant surprises, loads of joy and infinite happiness. Wish you a very happy birthday."

20 unknown facts about Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg.

  1. Facebook’s main color is blue because Mark Zuckerberg is color blind. The color that he can see the best is blue.
  2. His dog name Beast, and he has his own Facebook page.
  3. He is known as ‘Zuck’ by his friends while his mother calls him Princely.
  4. He promised and wore a tie everyday for a whole year.
  5. He learned Chinese in 2010 so that he could talk to his girlfriends family members who were Chinese.
  6. He said that the only accurate thing in the Facebook movie ‘The Social Network’ was the dress worn by the character who played his role. He added that every single T-shirt that was correct.
  7. Mark wore a hoodie and jeans in a meeting with investors on Wall Street. Photo via Into wire.
  8. Mark Zuckerberg met his girlfriend, Priscilla Chan in line for the bathroom at a Harvard party in 2003.
  9. He designed his wife’s wedding ring.
  10. The guest didn't know that they were on a weeding until it was announced. Priscilla had just graduated and they thought the party was for her graduation.
  11. Mark Zuckerberg is the most followed (circled) person in Google Plus.
  12. He even has a Twitter account with an amazing username, @finkd.
  13. He rejected a $1 billion dollar offer from Yahoo to buy Facebook.
  14. Mark had a business card which read " I'm CEO Bitch ".
  15. Some of his favorite musical artist are Green Day, Jay-Z, Taylor Swift, and Shakira.
  16. His T-shirt has the Facebook friend request, Message, and notification logo. Notice the 3 things in his T-shirt?
  17. His Facebook profile CANNOT be BLOCKED.
  18. He used to work sitting like normal employee before.
  19. He rarely wears a suit.
  20. He wears the same trademark hoodie and jeans to work ‘everyday’...
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