Use Search Bar to Find A Word or Code!

This article is Great for Blog or Web Beginners. In this I will tell you a simple Trick on how to find Codes or Words for your Blogger/ Web. Like If you want to add a code between <head>, its not easy to find a code manually. So a simple Trick is to Use Ctrl+F. A search bar will appear and type the code or word you want to find and it will redirect you. As simple as That! Enjoy... Have A Best Life...
More- Blog Tricks and Web Tricks!
Preview of Search Bar
Preview of Search Result:

  • Hold Ctrl+F (It is the Shortcut to Search Bar)
  • A Find Bar will display, Type the code or Word you want to search.
  • At once that code will highlight on the Page/Blog (As Shown Above)
  • Now You can modify/edit/delete your highlighted codes or words!
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