How to Backup/Restore Blogger Template

This article is for absolute blogger beginners, about how to backup/restore your blogger blog's template. This is very important thing that every blogger should beware of it. When ever you add codes and by mistake it doesn't works and you don't know where you have edited it! In this Case you should have Backup your Template! So whenever you edit something you should Backup Your Template Before Editing.

So Lets Start.....
It is a simple method to backup/rtore your template, follow the steps.

Backup Template

  • Go to Template »» Click Backup/Restore on your right hand side at top.
  • Now Click on Download Full Template.
  • The Download File be .xml format.

Restore Template

Now If you have Backup your template or have bought or downloaded a template, here are the steps to restore the template.
  • Just do the the Same Steps during 1 point of Backup.
  • Now click on Choose File.
  • Now where ever is your backup file- .xml Click on it and Click Browse or Open!
  • Now Click on Upload...
That's It you have successful restore your template!


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